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热搜: 活动 交友 discuz
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2016-1-10 03:45:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ok i know many of you have had nothing but problems with beast editor, so here we go editing with out beast. Now this is going to show a break down of what i know in rgn files.
8 W; T. D, V) J6 C/ X* W" c& a9 s2 d& k' Q+ C- h- C
we will use the Mutant Fefern from the Mas Dungeon Mob to make this easy to understand. below you will see the .rgn monster code dont be scared its easy to read once you know what you are looking at.
! b4 ^# R& \6 r+ e. U7 v0 vCode:
& T& x6 u" P2 g8 Z$ h7 [3 ]respawn7 5 654 901.279419 80.000000 965.370300 10  60 0 900 964 907 971  1 30 1 24 1 1 2 0.000000 -1 0 0 % l! j. b. }! Z9 B/ G
Leave these exactly how they are here.. u; L, m7 j1 ^" E9 {1 c( W
Monster code
- ^6 V" s2 g6 y  P9 ]X.Y.Z coordinates, AKA mob spawn point.
& p1 M. ~8 z$ ^/ p' ]1 h0 pnumber of mob spawned2 u. Z7 z1 b; v5 k: s
Respawn rate+ I! r' s6 m) F; @: o8 `  d. }; F" X
Mob agro rate 0 for normal 1 for agro3 M: H* |2 O/ C
Mob spread AKA where the mob wanders when spawned.
: o9 e# J' n$ ^im not sure what this is yet " L  {1 U' _3 L% V

" b8 T* F, Y& W* e' NNow this is to show how to change the spawn rate of mobs and such not to add new mobs. though once i get the rest of the rgn code broke down, it can be used for that as well.  
$ p+ F- e, w+ q% K! I, H8 {# s9 H) F4 H; b* R8 f# s6 p
Thanks Jcdacez for the Mob Spread information.5 _2 g1 L! t$ `0 \9 S9 z7 ~

( r0 |! \- x  z& L% rhope this helps you to understand the .rgn files a bit more. i will update it once i have the full break down understood.
! \6 b- q  C2 g6 ]# N" c' R5 }7 ?
8 k6 a% c) A9 X) F# E4 q# ], U7 _2 K7 m& o9 E$ \

7 a" F) w% R+ e/ P* N
; a/ a) y8 X# o' S5 B譯文:
/ h1 m* C. p5 N( m好啦,我知道你有许多问题与兽除了所编辑器,因此在这里我们去编辑与兽。现在这将显示一个中止的什么我知道在rgn文件。, z1 s' O) t: G" c

4 z4 g8 P1 Q  v& ]: e我们将用突变Fefern怪物从Mas地牢,使这容易知道你会看到.rgn下面的代码不害怕怪物它容易读一下你知道你在调查的是什么。
! D" [! h7 {8 [8 ~3 \9 ~! t9 k. H$ @% l- q! D# d: k
代码:" w1 T# C) h2 V/ u) e
respawn7 80.000000 965.370300 5 654只901.279419 10 60 0 900 964 907 971 1 30 1 24 1 2 0.000000 - 1 0 0
8 B# ]% f8 W; C* B/ ]离开这些到底如何,他们都在这里。
% E: Z5 N+ |5 r  k  A) e怪物代码
- Q, S8 X& v) o, c* Z9 Z4 f暴徒X.Y.Z坐标,人称卵点。% F2 E. c$ Z% T+ }" B- H
暴民产卵的数量6 B+ D; }, N( c' J0 M) H  U7 i! o9 m
3 w& A% L  |6 u2 [暴徒对正常仇恨率0 1仇恨
! m: [+ z( M3 n: C9 M' X暴徒在传播时亦暴民游荡产卵。3 s6 Y* K- M& o3 S
我不知道这是什么呢( u* z, ^. ?( x8 h4 H) ]+ I
1 r6 i; T- o1 L: q* r( g9 A- Q
# X' m- X5 O' m* V! |% e+ p4 _! v. W; J8 W' d
谢谢Jcdacez为暴民传播信息。0 O# P, \5 f' m  V' s9 ^

& P3 H! T4 R* d7 _, o1 D希望这些能帮助你了解.rgn文件多一点。我将更新它,一旦我有充分的分解的理解。
  \2 J8 f- y$ }! y& S
8 C+ @4 q) C% a# |. a% ]" K; h/ c9 N& T; I1 X
- O1 W) r( ~$ w

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